War on Average

encouraging each other not to be satisfied with mediocre

Snack Muffins

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All snacks that the kids bring to school must be nut-free (and sunflower seed) due to allergies and as a family that gets a lot of protein for snacks from nuts I have struggled to find good, filling protein-dense foods. And I would rather not pay the money for the packaged products so regularly. So I blended some recipes to create these banana muffins. I usually use nut flours for all my muffins but have found some good quality, healthier grain-based flours.

This makes 24 muffins. They work great in silicon muffin cups

I also use two of my favorite Shaklee products in these muffins to add protein and vegetables–which are my two key parts of a good snack.


1/2 c pure maple syrup

1/2 c coconut oil (melted)

4 eggs beaten

4 mashed ripe bananas

1/2 c milk (of any kind)

2 tsp baking soda

2 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp salt

3 1/2 c. flour*

1 c. Shaklee Vanilla LifeShake

6 scoops Shaklee Organic Greens Booster

To Make:

1. Whisk together syrup and oil

2. Add eggs and mashed banana, mix well

3. Add milk, mix well

4. Add baking soda, vanilla and salt, mix well.

5. Add flour, protein and greens and mix just until all mixed.

6. Place in muffin cups and cook at 325 for 22-25 or until they are cooked through.


*I like Namaste flour or Jovial flour

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